this is akram logo


👋 Hi there! I am Akram.

About Me

I'm an ICT engineering student at ENISo in Tunisia. I have a passion for technology and enjoy working on various projects related to software engineering. As a freelancer, I've worked on a variety of projects using different platforms such as Upwork, PPH, and Fiverr. I've worked on projects in various fields, including artificial intelligence solutions, reinforcement learning, and full-stack web development.

I 🤍 CodingGame profile! (I have a while not playing)

During my internship at Tunisie Telecom, I had the opportunity to work on a full-stack web application that was highly scalable. I used Django, a high-level Python web framework, along with various visual libraries and TailwindCSS to develop the application. I also gained experience working with DRF (Django Rest Framework) to build a RESTful API for the application.



Internship at Tunisie Telecom

I am always eager to take on new challenges and learn new skills. Whether it's through an internship, freelance project, or other opportunity, I am excited to continue growing as an engineer and delivering impactful solutions to users.

My Blog

I'm also passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with others, and that's why I'm currently working on my own blog. My blog will cover topics related to software engineering, artificial intelligence, and programming in general. I'm excited to share my knowledge and insights with the world and can't wait to launch my blog soon!

Thank you for taking the time to know more about me. If you're interested in working together or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.